hey ya, this time I taked a very long vacation since January 1, I was working in December and decided to stop things like drawing and physical activities (until my vacations ends). I get some money and I bought the smash bros and a microsd card for my nintendo switch, now I'm playing like a beast.
Also something heavy changed me to bad while I was working, I will give you 2 hints chinese people and scams. now I no longer the same God have mercy for my soul, I'm something how spress hate, but I know still kidness on me but now I just fucking hate human kind as a anarchist to the sistem.
On January 7, my dear Aunt Frankie arrived in Panama to stay until February 23, she always comes to Panama every year to have her vacation, she brings some interesting things from London, usually clothes and other things, while she was with us we traveled around Panama.
Now I will share some photos of my vacations:
(A old fortress in portobelo, colon)
(The black christ of portobelom also in colon)
(Colon 2000 a mall in colon with an amazing wiew to the comercial sea)
(Me and a caiman in the zoo of anton, Cocle)
(Me playing pokemon go close to the sea in Colon)
This year we take it easy and just these plases and also we visited some few places as the beach, malls and the la feria de La Chorrera. god first then next year we're going to new places in that case I will share it here. so I'm back and soon you will see some of my badass art! thanks 4 reading and see you later aligator.
So what did you all this time mate!